
In 1978 New York City was alive for music and artist. This was way before my records came out. We were artists that had our individual creative outlets. This was my first “band” Shox Lumania. With singer Larry Shox. I did all the music, Larry sang and  Brian Damage used to dumpster dive in the garment district where I lived [38 west 38 street] and design costumes for WEACH SONG in our live show. Pretty incredible for a “local band”. You’ll see me in this video [remember bands didn’t make videos at that time] with pink har and headphones on. We filmed this in Barry Shills [Wigstock Movie, Kiss Of A Vampire and others] on Gold Street, downtown wall street area. We all lived in Lofts, way before it was popular. Enjoy this rare video. There’s another one called STRANGER from this film session on youtube.

Rare Man Parrish - Shox Lumania Group - Stranger - 1978
My Friend and David Bowie's Tour Manager - Ziggy Stardust Years - Tony Zanetta